中文 外交部阿富汗事务特使岳晓勇与阿富汗临时政府代理商工部长会见 October 23, 2023 2023年10月19日,外交部阿富汗事务特使岳晓勇与来京出席第三届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛的阿富汗临时政府代理商工部长阿齐齐会见,就中阿务实合作事宜交换了意见。 新闻来源:外交部网站 Share post: FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp SubscribeI want inI've read and accept the Privacy Policy. News Leveraging the Border Edge: Guangxi Pingxiang’s Port Economy Picks Up Speed The “Nanning Channel” Offers Boundless Opportunities Nanning in Guangxi is Revitalizing Its “New Game of Open Development”. Bridging Mountains and Seas: The 11th China-ASEAN (Nanning) Drama Week Kicks Off Sichuan Yibin: Raising the Flag for High Quality and Manufacturing High-Quality Products with High Standards Second Yantai International Vocational Education Exchange and Cooperation Conference Opens