中文 中国队晋级杭州亚运会女篮决赛 October 3, 2023 10月3日下午,中国女篮在杭州奥体中心体育馆迎来半决赛对手朝鲜女篮。全场比赛,中国女篮牢牢掌控场上主动权,最终以100:44战胜对手,挺进决赛。 杭州亚运会女篮决赛将于10月5日晚20时在杭州奥体中心体育馆进行,中国女篮的决赛对手将在日本女篮和韩国女篮之间产生。 新闻来源:人民日报客户端 Share post: FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp SubscribeI want inI've read and accept the Privacy Policy. News Trump’s Auto Tariff Policy: A “Shockwave” to the Global Economy “Life” I Have a Friend in Haidian Could America Actually Take Over Canada? Commentator Says America Might Collapse First Former Prime Ministers Unite in Call to Fly the Maple Leaf Amid Rising Tensions with U.S. President