24小时中国新闻速递 海评面:拓宽融资渠道,助推专精特新企业发展 April 29, 2024 为加强科技创新服务力度,书写好科技金融大文章,上海正在持续发力。 4月25日,海外网参加“推动金融高质量发展—科技金融”中外媒体采访活动,在上海实地采访股权市场如何赋能科技创新。 资料图:上海股权托管交易中心。(图源:视觉中国) 上海股权托管交易中心副总经理陈妍妍表示,在围绕科创企业的股权融资方面,上海股权托管交易中心做了大量工作,推出认股权等金融工具,促进私募创投机构循环畅通,更好支持科创企业发展。 监制/王丕屹 策划、审校/牛宁 毛莉 后期、运营/陆宁远 Share post: FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp SubscribeI want inI've read and accept the Privacy Policy. News Party Secretary of Gannan Prefecture, He Moubao, Discusses Ecological and Economic Development in the Region Why Is Gannan, Gansu the Ultimate “Journey of the Soul” for Tourists? Trudeau’s Resignation: A Political Maneuver with Limited Impact Leveraging the Border Edge: Guangxi Pingxiang’s Port Economy Picks Up Speed The “Nanning Channel” Offers Boundless Opportunities Nanning in Guangxi is Revitalizing Its “New Game of Open Development”.