中文 【澜湄印象】中缅油气管道见证两国“胞波”情谊 December 3, 2024 中缅油气管道项目南起缅甸皎漂,北至中国瑞丽,是中缅重要的能源合作项目。在能源、经济和公益之外,民心相通也是联系和维护中缅两国“胞波”情谊的重要纽带。让我们通过本片,一起见证中缅油气管道如何串联起了“胞波”情谊。(视频来源 中缅油气管道公司) Share post: FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp SubscribeI want inI've read and accept the Privacy Policy. News Party Secretary of Gannan Prefecture, He Moubao, Discusses Ecological and Economic Development in the Region Why Is Gannan, Gansu the Ultimate “Journey of the Soul” for Tourists? Trudeau’s Resignation: A Political Maneuver with Limited Impact Leveraging the Border Edge: Guangxi Pingxiang’s Port Economy Picks Up Speed The “Nanning Channel” Offers Boundless Opportunities Nanning in Guangxi is Revitalizing Its “New Game of Open Development”.